Like many families, our journey into homeschooling was driven by circumstances beyond our control, yet it’s turned out to be one of the most rewarding decisions we’ve ever made.

The Catalyst: A Pandemic and a Diagnosis

Our foray into homeschooling began not out of a long-held desire but rather out of sheer necessity. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, our children’s public school transitioned to online learning. It quickly became evident that this wasn’t working for us. The one-size-fits-all at one set pace approach of traditional schooling clashed with our children’s unique learning needs. Each of them are so different in how they absorb and process information that I couldn’t see how they’d ALL thrive. It was frustrating to see them struggle with a system that wasn’t designed to cater to their individual strengths and weaknesses.

But the turning point where we’d never look back at public school again, came when our oldest son was diagnosed with leukemia in 2021. Suddenly, our priorities shifted. Thankfully, we already had completely transitioned to homeschooling which ended up being the perfect solution that would allow us to balance hospital visits, treatment schedules, and the emotional rollercoaster that came with his diagnosis. Homeschooling turned out to be a blessing in disguise, providing the flexibility we desperately needed during this tumultuous time.

The Struggle: Finding the Right Curriculum

Starting our homeschooling journey was anything but smooth sailing. The biggest challenge was finding the right program, which was a task that felt akin to searching for a needle in a haystack. We experimented with various paper and book curriculums, both free and paid. However, using these traditional methods as the bulk of the school day often led to more frustration than success. The sheer volume of busy work resulted in long days filled with breakdowns and minimal time for true family bonding.

We knew we needed to try something different. After a period of “unschooling” to break away from conventional educational norms, we decided to explore online options. Our goal was to find a program that would reignite our children’s passion for learning. Boy did we find the right one!!!

Homeschooling our three youngest children has been a journey filled with ups and downs, but it’s one we wouldn’t trade for anything. It has allowed us to tailor education to our children’s unique needs, providing flexibility during challenging times and fostering a love for learning that we hadn’t seen before.

If you’re considering homeschooling or are currently navigating your own homeschooling journey, remember that every family’s path is different. What works for one may not work for another, and that’s okay. The key is to remain open, patient, and willing to try new approaches until you find what suits your family best.

Our experience has shown us that even in the face of adversity, there is always a way forward. 


Jen Miller

Jen Miller

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