The sun had set, and our home, as ordinary as any other, was settling into another routine evening.

My children were already asleep, my husband was out of town for work, and I had made my usual goodnight call to my oldest, who lived nearby. It was a night like many others, calm and unremarkable—until it wasn’t.

People often ask me about that night, and I always tell them that there are no words to describe the feeling when you hear your child has cancer. But sharing my story might offer some insight into the profound impact of those words.

Before that night, everything was so normal. Afterward, everything changed. That is something I struggle with every single day. How normal it WAS and never will be again. I was occupied with chores, just like any other mother, when I received a call from our pediatrician. My oldest son had been feeling unusually run down for months, and after an inconclusive visit to the ER, our pediatrician had ordered some labs.

I wasn’t alarmed when the doctor called later than usual. I expected him to say my son had something common like mono and to pick up a prescription in the morning. Instead, he spoke with gravity and said, “I’m sorry, but I’m 99% sure this isn’t mono. I’m 99% sure it’s a form of Leukemia.”

Hearing those words shattered my sense of normalcy. A wave of thoughts and emotions crashed over me. How could this be happening? How could my child, my baby, have cancer? It felt like the ground had disappeared beneath my feet, plunging me into an abyss of fear and uncertainty.

The days that followed were a whirlwind of hospital visits, consultations, and treatments. Each day brought new challenges and fears, but also moments of unexpected strength and resilience. I immersed myself in my family, found solace with other families facing similar trials, and was uplifted by the support from our community. People showed up in ways I could never have imagined, becoming an extended family when we needed it most.

Living through this experience taught me about the incredible power of human resilience. It forced me to confront my fears and find strength I didn’t know I had. It also reminded me of the importance of cherishing every moment, no matter how routine it may seem.

To all the mothers out there dealing with similar struggles, know that you are not alone. Life can change in an instant, but within that change lies the opportunity for growth, connection, and unwavering love. Embrace your journey and find strength in your community because together, we can face anything.


Jen Miller

Jen Miller

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